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2019-12-23 21:46

  根据中国有关法律法规及国际通行做法,中国驻桑给巴尔总领馆自2019年 12月 20 日起签发生物识别签证,中国签证申请人须本人前往中国驻桑给巴尔总领馆留存十指指纹。以下人员可免予采集指纹:










  Notice on the Issuance of Biometric Visas

                                                                                                                          20 December, 2019

  In accordance with Chinese laws and regulations, the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Zanzibar will issue biometric visas from 20 December, 2019. The applicants for Chinese visas are required to be personally present at the Consulate General to leave all ten fingerprints. The following applicants could be exempted:

  1.Applicants who are under age of 14 or over age of 70;

  2.Applicants who hold diplomatic passports or who are eligible for diplomatic, service or courtesy visas;

  3.Applicants who have applied for Chinese visa with the same passport during the past 5 years and whose fingerprints have already been collected.

  4.Applicants who suffer from mutilation of all ten fingers or whose all ten fingerprints are illegible due to physical reasons.

  Applicants should submit application in person and prepare all necessary documents as well as 2 passport photos.

  Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Zanzibar

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